Covid-19 Protection Framework; Under the “orange” traffic light settings currently in place for Christchurch, all persons aged 12years and 3 months plus, will be required to present a vaccine certificate, this includes both students and parents inline with the government policy. Please contact us for further clarification or to arrange online alternatives.
Lesson fees are invoiced one term in advance. Book and CD sets are a requirement of the course and must be purchased as requested by your child’s teacher (approximately every two terms). Due to copyright, we are unable to share materials between siblings.
To withdraw from lessons, four weeks notice must be given prior to the commencement of the new term or a $60 cancellation fee will apply (covering the place held for your child and any course materials ordered on your behalf). Note that any student wishing to discontinue lessons during the course of a term will not be eligible for a refund and any outstanding fees will remain payable.
Late payments of accounts will incur a penalty fee of 10%. Accounts remaining unpaid by week six of a term will be managed by Aorangi Debt Collection with all collection costs being referred to the customer. Weekly payment options are available provided they are instated before the beginning of a new term.
If a student is unable to attend a lesson for any reason there will be no refund of fees.
Any student missing more than 2 consecutive lessons may require an additional lesson to catch-up with their class. This will be charged at the private lesson rate of $30 per 30 minutes.
In the event of extreme weather conditions or earthquakes classes may be cancelled to avoid unsafe travel. Notice of intention to cancel classes will be emailed and announced via the school’s website and Facebook page. Make-up classes will be scheduled at the same day/time during the following school holidays.
In the event of pandemic lock-downs following that of the March-April 2020 Covid-19 outbreak, classes will be moved online and may remain online until the following term. Families will be provided with weekly video links appropriate to the number of classes they have paid for in the invoice for the affected term. There will be no refunds given, any lessons for which an appropriate online lesson is not available will be credited to the following term’s invoice. Students may withdraw from lessons at the end of the term as with standard enrolments but as such will be unable to join the same group class if they choose to recommence classes.
Should class numbers not permit the class to run any deposits may be refunded or held over to the next term. Class start dates may be deferred at the discretion of the school director.
We will endeavour to keep class days and times consistent, however, times may need altering occasionally. This will be done in consultation with parents and with sufficient notice.
In piano classes, only siblings younger than 6 months may be permitted in the studio. Due to the manner in which the classes are run it is undesirable to have siblings present as it is distracting to all participants in the class.
Attendance of lessons is acceptance of the Terms of Conditions of MSI Christchurch.